At Fort Wayne Prosthodontics, Dr. Ryan Zimmerman and his team of dental assistants, lab technicians and office staff provide specialty prosthodontic services to our patients.
Specializing in challenging cases and complicated problems, we see a wide range of people in our office. They come from cities and towns throughout Indiana and neighboring states, referred by dentists, ophthalmologists, ENT surgeons, plastic surgeons and speech pathologists.
When Dr. Zimmerman meets with a new patient, he does a full evaluation and then provides him or her with several treatment options, providing the opportunity to choose the treatment that best suits their circumstances and needs.
Some have problems with teeth that are still in relatively good shape; others are dealing with serious issues that have been years in the making. Some are cancer patients or accident victims and some, like hockey players or rodeo cowboys, have occupations that are particularly dangerous to the mouth and face.
In all cases, Dr. Zimmerman and his staff offer the same high level of specialty care, built on years of experience making patients smile.